艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国智能手机品牌东南亚市场研究报告

  随着中国智能手机市场用户红利接近尾声,市场趋于饱和,中国智能手机品牌逐渐将竞争的主战场向海外转移,纷纷走上“出海”战略,而东南亚的巨大潜力使得其成为各个智能手机品牌的主要发力点。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2018年小米市场份额荣登印度榜首,在印尼市场,小米、vivo份额大幅增长,OPPO在泰国市场强势扩张。未来,东南亚市场各个智能手机品牌竞争将进一步加剧,品牌高调、渠道下沉将成为主要竞争手段。除此之外,智能手机品牌在重点投入4G的同时将积极应对5G变革。(《艾媒报告|2018-2019年中国智能手机品牌东南亚市场研究报告》完整高清PDF版共45页,可点击文章底部下载按钮进行报告下载。)

  As the user bonus of Chinese smart phone market comes to an end and the market tends to be saturated, Chinese smart phone brands gradually shift the main battlefield of competition to overseas and embark on the strategy of "going to sea" one after another. The huge potential of southeast Asia makes it the main starting point for all smart phone brands. According to data from iiMedia Research, xiaomi topped the list in India in market share in 2018. In Indonesia, xiaomi and vivo saw their market share increase significantly, while OPPO expanded strongly in Thailand. In the future, the competition among various smart phone brands in the southeast Asian market will be further intensified, and high-profile brands and sinking channels will become the main means of competition. In addition, smart phone brands will actively respond to 5G revolution while focusing on 4G investment.(The complete HD PDF edition of "iiMedia Report | 2018-2019 China Smartphone Brand Southeast Asia Market Research Report" has 45 pages. You can download the report by clicking the download button at the bottom of the article. )

艾媒报告 |2018-2019中国智能手机品牌东南亚市场研究报告
