哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

大反转 ……

还记得网红超市 Costco 开业的盛况吗 ?

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡


US supermarket giant #Costco's first step into China attracts lots of residents during its first business day in #Shanghai on Aug 27. The checkout line surpassed 30m long.

8 月 27 日,美国超市巨头开市客踏足中国市场的第一步,其开设在上海的超市,首个营业日吸引了众多市民前去购物。

Global Times 记者在超市里看到,在结账处,客流排成了长龙,结账队伍超过了 30 米。顾客的购物车里大多以农副产品为主,而排在末端的顾客预计需要 3 个多小时才能轮到结账 。

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

没想到过一个周末之后,来了一个 " 剧情大反转 " 。消费者一改此前的疯抢状态,纷纷开始排队退会员卡。

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

#Costco ’ s first Chinese mainland store has seen increasing numbers of customers returning their membership cards just days after it opened, as its discounts have been eased. Some customers have begun sharing membership cards to enjoy discounts.

Via globaltimesnews

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

【Costco 来中国大陆的首个周末 茅台消失众人排队退会员卡】#costco 会员排队退卡 # 很明显,来中国大陆三天后,以购物体验好著称的 Costco 就发生了一些变化,要进入 Costco 购物,你需要先办一张 299 元的会员卡。 开业前三天售价为 1498 元一瓶的飞天茅台没有了,原本售价 32.9 元的两瓶装味全冷藏牛奶,现在也调到了 53.9 元; 水井坊的特价酒卖完了,原本卖 919 元的五粮液也调价至 1069 元了 ——很多抢破头的东西下架了,或者是调价了,优惠力度已经没有之前那么疯狂了。

Via weibo


哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

Via 微博

对于这个走向,CNN 早就做出过 " 神预测 "。

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

While Costco has had an online presence in China for five years through a partnership with Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba ( BABA ) , the new brick-and-mortar store in Shanghai marks a significant investment.

虽然 Costco 通过与中国电子商务公司阿里巴巴的合作在中国开展了五年的在线业务,但上海的新实体店也是它的一项新的重大投资。

Costco's annual membership program, which accounts for the bulk of its profit, is also cheaper in China — it costs 299 yuan ( $42 ) compared to $60 in the United States.

Costco 的年度会员计划是 Costco 盈利的大头。年费在中国也更便宜,为 299 元 ( 42 美元 ) ,而美国则为 60 美元。


尽管有这些优势,但是外来的新超市要想在中国念好经并不容易。早先已经有沃尔玛、家乐福等外来超市占据了市场。而中国的盒马鲜生、永辉等本土超市形成的上线下新零售的业态,也是 Costco 的有力竞争者。

哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

But despite the early buzz around its Shanghai store, the US retailer will have to prove it can stick around for the long haul. It has to contend not only with global rivals like Walmart ( WMT ) and big Chinese players like Alibaba and JD.com, but also with China's rapid economic changes and its growing online retail industry.



福布斯杂志也对 Costco 的未来打了一个问号。


哎?Costco 在上海开业一周,遭会员们疯狂退卡

And with much smaller homes Chinese consumers may not be as open to the idea of one-gallon jars of mayonnaise and 36-packs of toilet paper.

由于家庭规模小得多,一加仑 ( 约等于 3.8 升 ) 蛋黄酱和 36 包卫生纸可能不会吸引中国消费者。

Taking any business model from one culture to another has been troublesome, no matter the direction. Overseas operations from Britain ’ s Tesco to Japan ’ s Takashimaya to, yes, Carrefour have all failed miserably when they ’ ve tried to launch U.S. operations — even as Germany ’ s Aldi and Lidl are having success here.

无论方向如何,将任何商业模式从一种文化转移到另一种文化都很困难。尽管德国的超市 Aldi 和 Lidl 取得了成功,但从英国的乐购到日本高岛屋的海外业务,再到家乐福,它们在进驻美国市场时都失败了。
