苹果市值破万亿美元,库克发内部信激励 12 万员工
8 月 2 日,苹果股价闯过 208 美元大关,成为历史上第一家市值突破万亿美元的科技商业公司。对于任何一家科技公司而言,上市是一件大事,股价的波动则是上市后最不容忽视的另一件大事。股价高低不仅直接反应一家公司的「价值」,更能反应投资机构、股民甚至是普通消费者对一家公司的态度与信心。

市场价值迈过 1 万亿美元,对于苹果来说无疑是一个里程碑事件。为此,苹果 CEO 蒂姆·库克特意发布内部信,与员工分享这一信息。在表达感到「骄傲」和对员工辛勤付出的感谢之余,库克强调一时的股价并非衡量成功与否的指标,财务上的成功唯有基于苹果不断的创新。库克还在信中激励员工们仍要「以产品和用户为先,并永远忠于苹果认定的价值观」。




Today Apple passed a significant milestone. At our closing share price of $207.39, the stock market now values Apple at more than $1 trillion. While we have much to be proud of in this achievement, it’s not the most important measure of our success. Financial returns are simply the result of Apple’s innovation, putting our products and customers first, and always staying true to our values.

今天,苹果跨过了一个里程碑。我们的股价收报 207.39 美元,市值正式突破一万亿美元。我们为这般成就感到无比骄傲,但这并不是衡量我们成功与否的最重要指标。财务业绩的回报只是苹果不断努力创新的副产品,我们应该以产品和用户为先,并永远忠于苹果认定的价值观。

It’s you, our team, that makes Apple great and our success is due to your hard work, dedication, and passion. I am deeply humbled by what you do, and it’s the privilege of a lifetime to work alongside you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the late hours and extra trips, all the times you refuse to settle for anything less than excellence in our work together.


Let’s take this moment to thank our customers, our suppliers and business partners, the Apple developer community, our coworkers, and all those who came before us at this remarkable company.


Steve founded Apple on the belief that the power of human creativity can solve even the biggest challenges – and that the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do. In today’s world, our mission is more important than ever. Our products not only create moments of surprise and delight, they empower people all around the globe to enrich their lives and the lives of others.


Just as Steve always did in moments like this, we should all look forward to Apple’s bright future and the great work we’ll do together.

