“套路贷”是新型黑恶犯罪的一种,河南、浙江、广东多地都曾发生“套路贷”犯罪案件,严重损害消费者权益。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,多数受访网民认为市场逐利性和自发性是民间借贷行业中“套路贷”泛滥的主因,超半数消费者认为应坚决取缔“套路贷”。对于消费者来说,不要轻信无金融从业资质的个人、中介、公司及其发布的各类无抵押、免息贷款等广告信息,警惕“套路贷”。
"Loan fraud" is a new type of crime. There have been many cases of "loan fraud" in Henan, Zhejiang and Guangdong, which seriously damaged the rights and interests of consumers.According to iiMedia Research's data, most respondents believed that profit-seeking and spontaneity of the market were the main reasons for the proliferation of "loan fraud" in the private lending industry, and more than half of consumers believed that "loan fraud" should be banned resolutely. For consumers, do not trust the advertisement information such as unsecured and interest-free loans issued by individuals, intermediaries and companies without financial qualification, and be alert to "loan fraud".