今天给大家介绍的是一款名叫Scrounger 的工具,广大研究人员可以使用这款工具来对移动端应用程序的安全性进行测试。首先,这款工具参考和借鉴了很多目前安全社区里优秀的测试工具,其次就是它能够有效地找出移动端应用程序中存在的安全漏洞。
1. 适用于Android和iOS;
2. 提供了类似Metasploit的命令控制台和模块;
3. 提供了多种功能模块;
4. 可轻松扩展其他功能;
Scrounger已在iOS 11和Android 8.1上进行过测试,并且只支持Python 2.7。
工具安装git clone https://github.com/nettitude/scrounger.git
cd scrounger
bash setup.sh
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install
开发环境git pull https://github.com/nettitude/scrounger.git
cd scrounger
bash setup.sh
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop
工具更新cd scrounger
git pull
python setup.py install –upgrade
依赖库 Android模块1. java()
2. jd-cli(https://github.com/kwart/jd-cmd)
3. apktool(https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/)
4. d2j-dex2jar(https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar)
5. adb(https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools)
6. avdmanager(可选): ()
iOS模块1. jtool(Linux) ()
2. otool(MacOS) (https://developer.apple.com/xcode/)
3. ldid(https://github.com/daeken/ldid.git)
4. iproxy(Package: libimobiledevice)
5. lsusb(Package: usbutils)
6. unzip
安装脚本 Linux#install iproxy lsusb
sudoapt-get install libimobiledevice usbutils
#install jd-cli
if [! -x "$(which jd-cli)" ]; then
curl -L -o /tmp/jdcli.ziphttps://github.com/kwart/jd-cmd/releases/download/jd-cmd-0.9.2.Final/jd-cli-0.9.2-dist.zip
unzip /tmp/jdcli.zip/usr/local/share/jd-cli
ln -s /usr/local/share/jd-cli/jd-cli/usr/local/bin/jd-cli
ln -s /usr/local/share/jd-cli/jd-cli.jar/usr/local/bin/jd-cli.jar
rm -rf /tmp/jdcli.zip
#install apktool
if [! -x "$(which apktool)" ]; then
mkdir /usr/local/share/apktool
curl -L -o /usr/local/share/apktool/apktoolhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/osx/apktool
curl -L -o/usr/local/share/apktool/apktool.jar https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/apktool_2.3.3.jar
chmod +x /usr/local/share/apktool/usr/local/share/apktool/apktool.jar
ln -s /usr/local/share/apktool/usr/local/bin/apktool
ln -s /usr/local/share/apktool.jar/usr/local/bin/apktool.jar
#install dex2jar
if [! -x "$(which d2j-dex2jar)" ]; then
curl -L -o /tmp/d2j.ziphttps://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar/files/1867564/dex-tools-2.1-SNAPSHOT.zip
unzip /tmp/d2j.zip -d /tmp/d2j
dirname=$(ls --color=none /tmp/d2j)
mv /tmp/d2j/$dirname/usr/local/share/d2j-dex2jar
ln -s/usr/local/share/d2j-dex2jar/d2j-dex2jar.sh /usr/local/bin/d2j-dex2jar.sh
ln -s/usr/local/share/d2j-dex2jar/d2j-apk-sign.sh /usr/local/bin/d2j-apk-sign.sh
rm -rf /tmp/d2j.zip
if [! -x "$(which d2j-dex2jar)" ]; then
ln -s /usr/local/bin/d2j-dex2jar.sh/usr/local/bin/d2j-dex2jar
#install adb
if [! -x "$(which adb)" ]; then
curl -L -o /tmp/platform-tools.ziphttps://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-linux.zip
unzip /tmp/platform-tools.zip -d /tmp/pt
mv /tmp/pt/platform-tools /usr/local/share/
ln -s /usr/local/share/platform-tools/adb/usr/local/bin/adb
ln -s/usr/local/share/platform-tools/fastboot /usr/local/bin/fastboot
#install ldid
if [! -x "$(which ldid)" ]; then
git clonehttps://github.com/daeken/ldid.git /tmp/ldid
cd /tmp/ldid
mv ldid /usr/local/bin/
cd /tmp
rm -rf /tmp/ldid
#install jtool
if [! -x "$(which jtool)" ]; then
curl-L -o /tmp/jtool.tar
mkdir /tmp/jtool
tar xvf /tmp/jtool.tar -C /tmp/jtool
mv /tmp/jtool/jtool.ELF64/usr/local/bin/jtool
rm -rf /tmp/jtool.tar /tmp/jtool
#install scrounger
gitclone git@github.com:nettitude/scrounger.git
pipinstall -r requirements.txt
pythonsetup.py install
#install iproxy ldid lsusb
brewtap jlhonora/lsusb && brew install lsusb libimobiledevice ldid
#install jd-cli
if [! -x "$(which jd-cli)" ]; then
curl -L -o /tmp/jdcli.ziphttps://github.com/kwart/jd-cmd/releases/download/jd-cmd-0.9.2.Final/jd-cli-0.9.2-dist.zip
unzip /tmp/jdcli.zip/usr/local/share/jd-cli
ln -s /usr/local/share/jd-cli/jd-cli/usr/local/bin/jd-cli
ln -s /usr/local/share/jd-cli/jd-cli.jar/usr/local/bin/jd-cli.jar
rm -rf /tmp/jdcli.zip
#install apktool
if [! -x "$(which apktool)" ]; then
mkdir /usr/local/share/apktool
curl -L -o /usr/local/share/apktool/apktoolhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/osx/apktool
curl -L -o/usr/local/share/apktool/apktool.jarhttps://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/apktool_2.3.3.jar
chmod +x /usr/local/share/apktool/usr/local/share/apktool/apktool.jar
ln -s /usr/local/share/apktool/usr/local/bin/apktool
ln -s /usr/local/share/apktool.jar/usr/local/bin/apktool.jar
#install dex2jar
if [! -x "$(which d2j-dex2jar)" ]; then
curl -L -o /tmp/d2j.ziphttps://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar/files/1867564/dex-tools-2.1-SNAPSHOT.zip
unzip /tmp/d2j.zip -d /tmp/d2j
dirname=$(ls --color=none /tmp/d2j)
mv /tmp/d2j/$dirname/usr/local/share/d2j-dex2jar
ln -s/usr/local/share/d2j-dex2jar/d2j-dex2jar.sh /usr/local/bin/d2j-dex2jar.sh
ln -s /usr/local/share/d2j-dex2jar/d2j-apk-sign.sh/usr/local/bin/d2j-apk-sign.sh
rm -rf /tmp/d2j.zip
if [! -x "$(which d2j-dex2jar)" ]; then
ln -s /usr/local/bin/d2j-dex2jar.sh/usr/local/bin/d2j-dex2jar
#install adb
if [! -x "$(which adb)" ]; then
curl -L -o /tmp/platform-tools.ziphttps://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-darwin.zip
unzip /tmp/platform-tools.zip -d /tmp/pt
mv /tmp/pt/platform-tools /usr/local/share/
ln -s /usr/local/share/platform-tools/adb/usr/local/bin/adb
ln -s/usr/local/share/platform-tools/fastboot /usr/local/bin/fastboot
#install Xcode / command line tools
#install scrounger
gitclone git@github.com:nettitude/scrounger.git
pipinstall -r requirements.txt
pythonsetup.py install
添加自定义模块 #p#分页标题#e#在安装该工具时,会自动创建一个文件夹“~/.scrounger”,该文件夹中会有一个名叫“modules/custom”的文件夹,该文件夹负责存储相应的Scrounger模块,其结构例如:analysis/android/module_name。
from scrounger.core.module import BaseModule
class Module(BaseModule):
meta = {
"author": "RDC",
"description":"""Just a Test module""",
"certainty": 100
options = [
"description":"local output directory",
"required": False,
"default": None
def run(self):
print("This is a print from thecustom module")
return {
"print": "This willbe print by scrounger's console."
Starting Scrounger console...
scrounger> list custom/misc
Module Certainty Author Description
------ --------- ------ -----------
custom/misc/test 100% RDC Just a Test module
scrounger> use custom/misc/test
scroungercustom/misc/test > options
Name Value
---- -----
output /tmp/scrounger-app
ModuleOptions (custom/misc/test):
Name Required Description Current Setting
---- -------- ----------- ---------------
output False local outputdirectory /tmp/scrounger-app
scroungercustom/misc/test > run
Thisis a print from the custom module
[+]This will be print by scrounger's console.
scroungercustom/misc/test >
示例 列举/搜索模块$scrounger-console
StartingScrounger console...
Documentedcommands (type help <topic>):
add_device devices list print results set unset
back help options quit run show use
>help list
Listsall available modules
>list ios
#p#分页标题#e#Module CertaintyAuthor Description
------ --------------- -----------
analysis/ios/app_transport_security 90% RDC Checks if there are anyApplication Transport Security misconfigurations
analysis/ios/arc_support 90% RDC Checks if a binary was compiled with ARC support
analysis/ios/backups 90% RDC Checks the application's files have the backup flag on
analysis/ios/clipboard_access 75% RDC Checks if the application disables clipboard access
analysis/ios/debugger_detection 75% RDC Checks if the applicationdetects debuggers
analysis/ios/excessive_permissions 90% RDC Checks if the applicationuses excessive permissions
analysis/ios/file_protection 90% RDC Checks the application's files specific protection flags
analysis/ios/full_analysis 100% RDC Runs all modules in analysis and writes a report into the outputdirectory
analysis/ios/insecure_channels 50% RDC Checks if the application uses insecure channels
analysis/ios/insecure_function_calls 75% RDC Checks if the applicationuses insecure function calls
analysis/ios/jailbreak_detection 60% RDC Checks if the application implements jailbreak detection
analysis/ios/logs 60% RDC Checks if the applicationlogs to syslog
analysis/ios/passcode_detection 60% RDC Checks if the application checks for passcode being set
analysis/ios/pie_support 100% RDC Checks if the application was compiled with PIE support
analysis/ios/prepared_statements 60% RDC Checks if the application uses sqlite calls and if so checks if it alsouses prepared statements
analysis/ios/ssl_pinning 60% RDC Checks if the application implements SSL pinning
analysis/ios/stack_smashing 90% RDC Checks if a binary was compiled stack smashing protections
analysis/ios/third_party_keyboard 65% RDC Checks if an applicationchecks of third party keyboards
analysis/ios/unencrypted_communications80% RDC Checks if the application implementscommunicates over unencrypted channels
analysis/ios/unencrypted_keychain_data 70% RDC Checks if the applicationsaves unencrypted data in the keychain
analysis/ios/weak_crypto 60% RDC Checks if the application uses weak crypto
analysis/ios/weak_random 50% RDC Checks if a binary uses weak random functions
analysis/ios/weak_ssl_ciphers 50% RDC Checks if a binary uses weak SSL ciphers
#p#分页标题#e#misc/ios/app/archs 100% RDC Gets the application's available architectures
misc/ios/app/data 100% RDC Gets the application's data from the remote device
misc/ios/app/entitlements 100% RDC Gets the application's entitlements
misc/ios/app/flags 100% RDC Gets the application's compilation flags
misc/ios/app/info 100% RDC Pulls the Info.plist info from the device
misc/ios/app/start 100% RDC Launches an application on the remote device
misc/ios/app/symbols 100% RDC Gets the application's symbols out of an installed application on thedevice
misc/ios/class_dump 100% RDC Dumps the classes out of a decrypted binary
misc/ios/decrypt_bin 100% RDC Decrypts and pulls a binary application
misc/ios/install_binaries 100% RDC Installs iOS binaries required to run some checks
misc/ios/keychain_dump 100% RDC Dumps contents from the connected device's keychain
misc/ios/local/app/archs 100% RDC Gets the application's available architectures
misc/ios/local/app/entitlements 100% RDC Gets the application's entitlements from a local binary and saves themto file
misc/ios/local/app/flags 100% RDC Gets the application's compilation flags using local tools. Will lookfor otool and jtool in the PATH.
misc/ios/local/app/info 100% RDC Pulls the Info.plist info from the unzipped IPA file and saves an XMLfile with it's contents to the output folder
misc/ios/local/app/symbols 100% RDC Gets the application's symbols out of an installed application on thedevice
misc/ios/local/class_dump 100% RDC Dumps the classes out of a decrypted binary
misc/ios/pull_ipa 100% RDC Pulls the IPA file from a remote device
misc/ios/unzip_ipa 100% RDC Unzips the IPA file into the output directory
StartingScrounger console...
>use misc/android/decompile_apk
misc/android/decompile_apk> options
Name Value
---- -----
output /tmp/scrounger-app
ModuleOptions (misc/android/decompile_apk):
Name Required Description Current Setting
---- -------- ----------- ---------------
output True local output directory /tmp/scrounger-app
apk True local path to the APKfile
misc/android/decompile_apk> set output scrounger-demo-output
misc/android/decompile_apk> set apk ./a.apk
misc/android/decompile_apk> options
Name Value
---- -----
output /tmp/scrounger-app
ModuleOptions (misc/android/decompile_apk):
Name Required Description Current Setting
---- -------- ----------- ---------------
output True local output directory scrounger-demo-output
apk True local path to the APKfile ./a.apk
misc/android/decompile_apk> run
2018-05-0110:29:53 - decompile_apk: Creating decompilation directory
2018-05-0110:29:53 - decompile_apk : Decompiling application
#p#分页标题#e#2018-05-0110:29:59 - manifest: Checking for AndroidManifest.xml file
2018-05-0110:29:59 - manifest: Creating manifest object
[+]Application decompiled to scrounger-demo-output/com.eg.challengeapp.decompiled
使用其他模块输出的结果misc/android/decompile_apk> show results
Name Value
---- -----
misc/android/decompile_apk> use analysis/android/permissions
analysis/android/permissions> options
Name Value
---- -----
output /tmp/scrounger-app
ModuleOptions (analysis/android/permissions):
Name Required Description CurrentSetting
---- -------- ----------- ---------------
decompiled_apk True local folder containing the decompiled apkfile
permissions True dangerous permissions to check for, seperated by ;android.permission.GET_TASKS;android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN;android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS;com.android.browser.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS;android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CA
analysis/android/permissions> print option permissions
OptionName: permissions
analysis/android/permissions> set decompiled_apk result:com.eg.challengeapp_decompiled
analysis/android/permissions> options
Name Value
---- -----
output /tmp/scrounger-app
ModuleOptions (analysis/android/permissions):
#p#分页标题#e#Name Required Description CurrentSetting
---- -------- ----------- ---------------
decompiled_apk True local folder containing the decompiled apkfile result:com.eg.challengeapp_decompiled
permissions True dangerous permissions to check for, seperated by ;android.permission.GET_TASKS;android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN;android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS;com.android.browser.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS;android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CA
analysis/android/permissions> run
2018-05-0110:54:58 - manifest: Checking for AndroidManifest.xml file
2018-05-0110:54:58 - manifest: Creating manifest object
2018-05-0110:54:58 - permissions: Analysing application's manifest permissions
[+]Analysis result:
TheApplication Has Inadequate Permissions
Report: True
StartingScrounger console...
>show devices
Scrounger ID Device OS Identifier
------------ --------- ----------
android ios
>add_device android 00cd7e67ec57c127
>show devices
Scrounger ID Device OS Identifier
------------ --------- ----------
1 android 00cd7e67ec57c127
>set global device 1
Name Value
---- -----
device 1
output /tmp/scrounger-app
>use misc/list_apps
misc/list_apps> options
Name Value
---- -----
device 1
output /tmp/scrounger-app
ModuleOptions (misc/list_apps):
Name Required Description Current Setting
---- -------- ----------- ---------------
output False local output directory /tmp/scrounger-app
device True the remote device 1
misc/list_apps> unset output
misc/list_apps> options
Name Value
---- -----
device 1
output /tmp/scrounger-app
ModuleOptions (misc/list_apps):
Name Required Description Current Setting
---- -------- ----------- ---------------
output False local output directory
device True the remote device 1
misc/list_apps> run
[+]Applications installed on 00cd7e67ec57c127:
命令行帮助$scrounger --help
usage:scrounger [-h] [-m analysis/ios/module1;analysis/ios/module2]
[-f/path/to/the/app.[apk|ipa]] [-d device_id] [-l] [-o]
[-p /path/to/full-analysis.json] [-V][-D]
/ ____|
| (___ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ _ __
\___ \ / __| '__/ _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \'__|
____) | (__| | | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | __/ |
|_____/ \___|_| \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|
__/ |
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m analysis/ios/module1;analysis/ios/module2,--modules analysis/ios/module1;analysis/ios/module2
modules to be run -seperated by ; - will be run in order
-a argument1=value1;argument1=value2;,--arguments argument1=value1;argument1=value2;
arguments for themodules to be run
-f /path/to/the/app.[apk|ipa],--full-analysis /path/to/the/app.[apk|ipa]
runs a full analysis onthe application
-d device_id, --device device_id
device to be used bythe modules
-l, --list list available devices and modules
-o, --options prints the required options for theselected modules
-p /path/to/full-analysis.json,--print-results /path/to/full-analysis.json
prints the results of afull analysis json file
-V, --verbose prints more information when runningthe modules
-D, --debug prints more information when runningscrounger
使用命令行$scrounger -o -m "misc/android/decompile_apk"
ModuleOptions (misc.android.decompile_apk):
Name Required Description Default
---- -------- ----------- -------
output True local output directory None
apk True local path to the APKfile None
$scrounger -m "misc/android/decompile_apk" -a"apk=./a.apk;output=./cli-demo"
ExcutingModule 0
2018-05-0111:17:42 - decompile_apk: Creating decompilation directory
2018-05-0111:17:42 - decompile_apk: Decompiling application
#p#分页标题#e#2018-05-0111:17:46 - manifest: Checking for AndroidManifest.xml file
2018-05-0111:17:46 - manifest: Creating manifest object
[+]Application decompiled to ./cli-demo/com.eg.challengeapp.decompiled